Welcome sweet things, to my little slice of the internet XX

HEY ANGELS!! So, my name is Holly Faith, I’m a 23 year old Newcastle girl living & studying in East London. This is my little slice of the internet where I’m gonna share some day-to-day fashion looks and also some adventures of London living with you sweet things! Former owner of a small vintage brand and coffee addict, so expect coffee houses / charity shop bargains & lust lists full of handbags my life requires. I thought I'd share this little cosy look with you guys as my first post, of course black & white. Perfect for a cold day in West London ( which believe me it was!!). Enjoy hunaaayys! Love HF xo

Anyway, before we go any further, let’s start with a confession…I’m a faux fur fiend. I think it’s bloody wonderful. If it’s fake and furry, then I think it’s FABBY and it’s gonna be made mine. And this little number is no exception. I bought this from Topshop a couple of years ago and it has a place in my heart season in and season out, because it's black it's super versatile, and the of course it's faux fur, so YAS. And then underneath it, to keep me warm I threw a little black leather jacket. An absolute staple to every gals wardrobe, I’ve linked similar one’s below. Mine was a summer bargain from Dorothy Perkins!! I throw it under most coats, as an extra layer & another touch of texture. Because I usually wear black on black on another form of black, texture is key for me… So if it's the same colour, another texture is an ideal way to add a little fun into my outfits.

As for details, these ASOS boots are my 2016/17 favourites. Formal / casual wonder boots, I love patent & pretty much any kind of pointed boots, so they get a firm 10/10 from me. Unfortunately, I bought them last year, so they don't have the same one's available (I've searched babes...). But I've linked similar ones!! Especially paired with a mom style jean & a plain white t-shirt, they liven this outfit up a touch and make ya feel super spesh. I'm all about easy, throw on combos, that trick people into thinking you thought heaps about your outfit!!
Black and white is always a winner for me. Arguably a bit too much of a winner, as my wardrobe has a distinct penguin look about it at the moment. But throw in a little silver, a bit of fur.. Not too shabby, right? I always chuck on another layer, or another accessory when I feel my outfit is lacking a little. So to step up a pretty normal combo of jeans & a standard leather jacket, a fur coat & some detail boots is the perfect addition!
South Kensington. House heaven. If you wanna dream, scheme or lust after the most magnificent houses known to man, get yourself to South Ken angels!! And for a super cute almond matcha latte & bowl of porridge whilst you're there? Try out Le Pain just near the Underground station...
What are your lazy day go-to looks chikkas? Let me me know, love HF XX