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Today, I simply had to share one simple thought that has MADE ITSELF so ridiculously prominent to me! A thought about the broken pieces. And it's this;

"He desires to heal your life"


If I placed before you the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, you wouldn't see a picture, although there are pieces of picture upon all of it. You'd only see pieces, that make little sense until placed into their rightful place, right? Like an image broken up into several little portions. A broken image.

I believe that there is a God, and He wants take the broken pieces of our fractured existence & place them back into their intended position. He desires to heal your life. To add wholeness & fullness to every area of your living, breathing and going about life. I can share this from personal experience and from the countless stories of my beautiful friends & family, and now with you SWEET ANGELS!!

As some of you may know, I'm a student nurse, I'm in my last leg of training and I'll be finished up in 5 months (hide yo kids, hide yo wives, cos I'll be released unto the world). I find it a ridiculous privilege that I get to look after people every day and hear their gorgeous & poignant stories. One thing always strikes me, weaved through each story, the resilience of humanity. The ability of the human body, mind & spirit to continue, to persevere, despite sometimes great trauma or distress physiologically & psychologically. We just seem to keep going. Pretty stunning really. But also pretty scary.... let me explain (and I'm an anatomy geek so bare with BABES!)


Say someone has a horrible accident, they lose loads of blood, and their body heads into something called shock. Hypovolaemic shock. (stay with me, it simply means low blood volume). I'm gonna give you a basic A&P lesson.

So, our body senses the low blood volume in the body, and begins to compensate (make up for the loss). It makes our veins smaller, to increase the pressure of the blood pumped around the body and it quits sending blood to our toes and far places, so it can be saved up for the important bits. It increases our heart rate to try and push around the little blood left around the body a bit faster. And we quit urinating, we wanna hold onto the the volume we have & we start reabsorbing any fluid that we might have kicking about the kidneys. Our body covers up the low volume and low blood pressure for as long as possible, it works overtime. Our body is sometimes in a critical way. But from the outside it looks like cold toes & a quickened heart rate. Amazing right? But frightening.

Sometimes we don't know how bad it is, until is gets serious. Real serious, like shock. If we don't pick it up in early stages, it's life threatening. Our bodies are magnificently designed to withstand. But they also compensate & cover up the deficit. They acknowledge that stuff is going south, so they save & preserve the important bits (your heart & brain).

Sometimes as humans I think we live compensating. We live working overtime to make it look like stuff is going okay. Seriously covering up, so there's no lack, no deficit. But the thing is; we can't stay that way forever. We can't live compensating for brokenness. So, I wanna tell you, you don't have to compensate anymore. You don't have to cover it up and live in survival mode. You can function at your full capacity. Fully functional once more. Whole again. And why? Because He desires to heal your life. Let me expand a little...


Psalm 18:16-24The Message (MSG)

16-19 But me he caught—reached all the way from sky to sea; he pulled me out Of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos, the void in which I was drowning. They hit me when I was down, but God stuck by me. He stood me up on a wide-open field; I stood there saved—surprised to be loved!

20-24 God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start. Now I’m alert to God’s ways; I don’t take God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I’m watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.

I'm in love with these words. Moreover, the way the Message puts it.


He knows. The desires of your heart. In fact, my Bible says He placed them there. He knows the fractured relationship that you wanna get resolved. That aspect of your health you're worried about. The friend your believing for. The promotion you're dying for. He knows. When you're back in that place thinking about the pieces of your life which all look a bit messy & not quite what you expected...Just remember that He knows. He sees. He hears. He knows.


He wants the pieces. And He's ready for them. Ever thought that God doesn't get surprises? When you plan everything, know everything and see everything the premise or surprises kinda doesn't exist. He isn't surprised by our stuff ups. And He's never shocked by the state we get ourselves in. Actually He's the reverse, the moment we place the pieces of our life before God, He's ready to pull us out, pick us up and give us a second chance or a million and second chance. His mercies are new everyday. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. And I believe that He can put all the broken pieces of our lives back together. But first, we need to bring Him all the pieces.


Simply? Walk in His love. And He'll work it out. It ain't on you anymore. It's no longer about your brokenness. It's about His fullness. The love that has the capacity to fix up all the mess. The love that brings wholeness & healing to every area of our lives in the fullness of time.

The thing I love about all of this? The brokenness thing? God's there, He dwells in fullness and brokenness. Jesus invited the broken to dinner with Him. And He healed the people who thought they'd remain in their way forever. He invites us too. He invites us to place before Him the broken pieces and to experience His fullness as He rewrites the text of our lives.

Know He knows. Place the pieces before Him. Live in His fullness, love in His fullness, remain in His love & He'll work it out, because He desires to heal your life.

Peace out angels XXX



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