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I’m not a cynic. Not by a long stretch, but I guess that I am cautious. Cautious where caution is called for I’d like to think. I’m aware that there are a lot of wildly optimistic claims out there! And not all that glitters is gold. But, what would you say if I told you I’d discovered something that meets & exceeds every one of it’s wild claims? Something truly transformative.True gold. You might be a little apprehensive, but stick with me.

So here goes, my recent, life-changing discovery… The power of thankfulness. A power that percolates through every aspect of your life when you let it, a power that fills, spills and splashes out of your life and onto those around you. The theory of thankfulness isn’t revolutionary. However, the effect of thankfulness in your life, does have the capacity to change everything. In a society where narcissism and entitlement can often take the lead, thankfulness presents the perfect antithesis. When we choose to be thankful, we shift the focus from ourselves and turn it towards, well, everyone else. Inward vision becomes outward vision.

// WORD UP // “ Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

Thankfulness sheds light on the things of beauty in our lives, and in turn dispels the darkness of dissatisfaction, comparison, envy… (Not that ANY of us have experienced any of those feelings, just the other 6 billion people on the planet). Thankfulness changes our perspective in a powerful and lasting way. And the true beauty of thankfulness, the ridiculously gorgeous thing about it? It’s self- perpetuating. It multiplies, it keeps on keeping on, it continues!! The more thankful you become, the more you seem to be thankful for. It fills your life, spills over in your life & splashes onto those around you. Pretty fabby right?

This year, I invite you to join me, in a decision to be thankful. Through all & in all. Enduringly, unrelentingly thankful. Thankful for the large, thankful for the little. Thankful for the crammed tubes & the rainy London days. And thankful for good news & new life. And how do you do it?

Capture it. Every moment to be thankful, capture the moment in your mind, capture it in your heart. Recognise a moment to be thankful, and give thanks. And some days it comes easy, but some days make thankfulness your choice, your decision even when it’s difficult.

Crystallise it. To crystallise a moment, is simply to keep it in a state which you can return to. So you could journal it. Photograph it. Or just keep an image in your heart or a list or a note full of things that you find yourself thankful for. And on the inevitable down days, that as humans, we’re all susceptible to, return to them. When you struggle to find something to be thankful for, head back to the moments you crystallised. Remind yourself of what you’re thankful for.

Create it. Create moments to be thankful for… Luckily when you start being thankful, they seem to create themselves. But, if you don’t see ‘em immediately, then CREATE your own moments to be thankful for!! FUN!

Capture. Crystallise. Create thankfulness in your life. Cultivate it & watch it grow, in and out of season, thankfulness blossoms in all weather. Watch it change your life & begin today!!

What do you chikkas think?

Love HF xo


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